We have been working with Smartbics since 2013.
During this time, we have gone from 2 developers in one of the projects to several fully completed products.
Your company does not need to search, choose, select replacements for developers anytime. We have already undertaken all this. HR costs reduce by 40%. Now recruiting, adaptation, motivation, personnel taxes, equipment for the employee — not your headache. We provide both a high level of development and customer service.
We are near you
We have serious experience
Our office is in Estonia. We will always be able to quickly come to your office both for negotiations and planning sessions. Or set up the call with you.
We have been working since 2010. During this period, we have established ourselves in the market and are ready to offer our expertise for you and your projects.
We help in customer internal development
It's safe with us
Our employees are highly qualified specialists. You can learn something from us, we from you. And it will give an excellent result.
We are as mobile as possible. And we can provide you with the necessary resources within a reasonable time. In case of replacement of an employee, we provide a smooth and flawless transfer of knowledge. Your project is always safe.
We give you a development team.
You save the budget!
No match
Comfortable office with high-speed internet and excellent equipment
No bureaucracy
Only full-time developers employment
No freelancers
Absolute team mobility
No splitting of working time into several projects
Let's start
Write us or call. We will discuss the introductory: the project, team size and their specialization, the timing of the project. After that, we prepare an offer for you and, if it suits you, we begin to prepare for the start of work.
We work
The team is working, you receive monthly reports in any form that suits you.
The management is always in touch and ready to answer any questions.
Move it
We send you developer resumes, you review them and, if necessary, schedule internal interviews. After the team is selected, we prepare all the necessary documents and begin to introduce developers to the project.
We work according to the Time and Material model — everything is as transparent as possible. The customer only pays for the actual working hours of our developers.
This is the most frequently asked questions from a customer to us. We understand your concerns: remote team, integration, knowledge transfer. Therefore, we will try to answer the most popular ones.
Regular meetings
Transparent reporting
We are always in touch with the customer and the team. The frequency of meetings and rallies is determined only by you.
Weekly, by sprints, monthly — as you like and need.
You will definitely find the right specialist
You have a team onside when it is necessary
Our specialists are ready for interviews and any necessary tests. You can be assured of the expertise.
You can always invite a team or team lead to your office for planning sessions or for a release.
Working with our clients, we launch on average 15 projects per year